A Christian community rooted in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition.
Welcome... we are happy to have you join us!
God calls us to be an inclusive, affirming, welcoming Christian community, receiving with Jesus’ love all genders and sexual orientations.
Gathered to Worship on Treaty 6 Territory, the traditional territory of Indigenous peoples – the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux, and Nakota Sioux.
The Unquenchable Fire
First Advent: Smoldering Embers
December 1, 2024
Psalm 25:1-10
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Sunday Morning Worship
We are worshipping with a hybrid model that includes both on-site and Zoom options.
Some pews on the window side are available for masked and distanced seating.
If you wish to worship over Zoom, contact the church office for how to join.
Sunday School for ages 3 through High School
at 9:30am. Ages 3 - Grade 6 meet in room B04 for Sunday school singing. Youth meet in your classroom.
Adult Sunday School
Starting November 3rd, we will be doing a 7-part series based off of Rachel Held Evans’ book “Searching for Sunday”. This book is a wonderful read for anyone who has been hurt in a faith context and/or who is in a season of deconstruction with their faith and seeking for what rebuilding this looks like. Each Sunday we will meet in the choir room in the basement at 9:30am. We encourage you to pick up a copy and give this book a read, but it won’t be necessary in order to engage with the conversation.
Order of Worship
Sunday, December 1, 2024
March 19, 2023
Masks are no longer required at FMC.
FMC remains a mask-friendly environment. Masks remain one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and others from respiratory illnesses and will continue to be made available. We ask that you be understanding and respectful of one another's needs.
Congregational consultation feedback and review of national and regional COVID trends and policies were taken into consideration when drafting these wellness guidelines. Continued congregational feedback is always welcome as these guidelines will be reassessed as needed.
- Stay home if you are sick with or have symptoms of a communicable (contagious) illness and join us via Zoom as all our services remain hybrid.
- The window section of the sanctuary is available to those preferring higher levels of precautions (i.e. physical distancing and masking).
- Masks are required when visiting the office during business hours.
- Groups are encouraged to have food served by a limited number of individuals where practical and to practice good hygiene (wash hands and/or use sanitizer).